Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The weather is unseasonably warm, and life has gotten unreasonably crazy, so I only recently accepted the fact that it's October. I guess this actualization happened because I've been receiving requests from friends to borrow my bump-it's for their "Jersey Shore" inspired costumes. Yes, I have three bump-its but I swear I wear the way Hepburn/ Bardot would wear them, and not like Snookie. Anyway.

Being that it's scary movie season, it seems natural to share this rather entertaining documentary on the making of Rosmary's Baby. It's so strange to imagine that Mia was married to Frank Sinatra during the making of this film. What did they talk about? How did they 'groove' together, as Mia would put it? She's absolutely lovely, but... well... very much an Aquarian.

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